Tuesday 30 August 2011

Post-Modernism, Ai Weiwei and Banksy

1. Define Post-Modernism using 8-10 bullet points that include short quotes.

·         Post-Modernism developed as a reaction to Modernism

·         The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it as “of, relating to, or being a theory that involves a radical reappraisal of modern assumptions about culture, identity, history, or language”

·         All truth is subjective to personal viewpoint

·         A response to the believed certainty of scientific, or objective, efforts to make clear reality.

·         Witcombe in 2000 defined it as a, “A rejection of the doctrine of the supremacy of reason, the notion of truth, the belief in the perfectibility of man and the idea that he could be better, if not perfect in society.”

·         In Postmodernism: What is it, and what is wrong with it? in 2001, Saugstad said, “In Postmodernism, society is more fragmented. Belief in one Truth or universal criteria, has been substituted by a number of “small stories,” and a diversity of criteria”

·         The boundaries between different forms and genres of art are challenged under Post-Moderism. Postmodernism rejects all boundaries.

·         In 1999 Crouch said, “The ideology of post modern design is one of decoration and variety. In a great deal of post modern architecture the question of social function is still not addressed.”

2. Use a quote by Witcombe (2000) to define the Post-Modern artist.
“The post–modern artist is ‘reflexive’ in that he or she is self–aware and consciously involved in a process of thinking about his or her cultural self in history, in demasking his or her own pretensions, and promoting processes of self–consciousness.”

3. Use the grid on pages 42 and 43 to summarize the list of the features of Post-

  Post-Modernity shattered the utopian ideals of Modernity. It was a reaction against Modernity. It includes a belief in social Pluralism and the individual view or construction of reality. Those with a Post-Modern ideology believe in expressing their own thoughts and perceptions about philosophy, literature, social sciences, architecture and reality. Post modernity has many theories and beliefs, ‘no one grand narrative.’

4. Use this summary to answer the next two questions:

5. Research Chinese artist Ai Weiwei's 'Han Dynasty Urn with Coca-Cola logo'(1994)
in order to say what features of the work are Post-Modern.

Weiei challenges society’s values and priorities with his work. He paints advertising logos onto ancient urns or grinds them up into a powder and displays them in glass jars. He is asking whether tradition and history is more important to the Chinese than economic progress. This fits in with Post-Modern belief that values are subjective and therefore are to be challenged.

6. Research British artist Banksy's street art, and analyze the following two works by the artist
to discuss how each work can be defined at Post-Modern. (Use your list from point 6.)
'Flower Riot', Banksy

This image of a rioter throwing flowers instead of a bomb or a stone questions the motives behind our actions. The angry young man is obviously using his power to affect someone, most likely someone in a position of power over him. But he is not looking to inflict harm or injury as we would expect, instead he is throwing flowers, a symbol of beauty and fragility. What then is he directing if not hate? The bouquet alludes to lovers gifting flowers so ironically it appears to be love that is being thrust upon this unknown enemy. Banksy is challenging our use of power, the power to either do good or do harm. This aligns with Post-Modernism because basic morals are being put into question. In Post-Modernism there are no absolute truths or morals so anyone can question them.
Los Angeles (2008), Banksy
Banksy is challenging the idea of progress. The caveman with junkfood asks the question, how far have we really come? Sure, we have mass produced food but if we personally haven’t developed past cavemen, what is the point? Modernist ideals held that progress was going to ‘save’ the world and eventually built a perfect utopian life. Banksy is going with the Post-Modern concept and challenging the Modernist belief in progress.

Witcombe, C. (2000). Modernism and Postmodernism. Retrieved 29 January, 2004 from http://witcombe.sbc.edu/modernism/modpostmod/html

Saugstad, A. (2001). Postmodernism: What is it, and What is Wrong With It? Retrieved 9 October, 2007, from: http://goinside.com/01/1/postmod.html


Exit Through the Gift Shop [2010] Banksy

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